Top 5 Polyester Blends for Sportswear

Why Choose Polyester Blends for Sportswear?

Polyester blends are a popular choice for sportswear because they offer a combination of durability, comfort, and performance. While 100% polyester is known for its strength and moisture-wicking properties, blending it with other fabrics can enhance these features and add new ones.

Polyester combinations create a fabric that is tough and resilient, making uniforms less likely to tear, stretch out, or wear down quickly. This durability makes them a cost-effective option for teams and athletes.

Additionally, polyester blends are excellent at managing moisture, keeping athletes dry and comfortable during intense activities. They also improve the overall comfort and fit of sportswear, as blending polyester with materials like cotton or spandex creates a softer, more flexible fabric.

This versatility makes polyester fabrics suitable for a wide range of sportswear, from jerseys and shorts to leggings and compression gear, ensuring that team logos and designs look sharp and vibrant.


  • Durable and strong
  • Excellent moisture-wicking properties
  • Comfortable and flexible
  • Versatile in design and application


  • Can be less breathable in hot conditions
  • Some blends may be more expensive

Top 5 Polyester Blends for Sportswear

Now let’s jump into the top 5 polyester fabrics for a variety of sportswear use cases.

fabric swatches

1. Cotton Polyester Blends

Cotton-polyester fabrics are typically composed of a 50/50 or 65/35 ratio of polyester to cotton. This combination results in a fabric that is soft and comfortable, with a slightly natural feel. These blends fall into the mid-range category in terms of price, balancing affordability and quality.

The key characteristics of cotton-polyester blends include the softness of cotton and the durability and wrinkle resistance of polyester, making them a popular choice for sports and casual teamwear. The blend supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and long-lasting designs.

Pros of Cotton Polyester Blends

  • Comfort: Soft on the skin and breathable compared to heavier polyester blends, making it ideal for prolonged wear.
  • Durability and Easy Maintenance: Resistant to wrinkles, shrinking, and fading; easy to wash and maintain.
  • Versatile Printing Options: Supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and durable designs.

Cons of Cotton Polyester Blends

  • Heat Sensitivity: Can be less comfortable in extremely hot conditions due to polyester’s lower breathability compared to pure cotton.
  • Less Stretch: Not as stretchable as other blends like polyester-spandex.

Common Usages

  • Team uniforms for various sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball.
  • Casual team apparel like t-shirts and hoodies.
  • Everyday sportswear suitable for moderate climates and indoor sports activities.

woman wearing leggings made from spandex polyester blends

2. Spandex Polyester Blends

Polyester-spandex blends typically consist of around 85-90% polyester and 10-15% spandex. This combination creates a fabric that is smooth, slightly elastic, and highly stretchable, providing a snug fit. These blends are slightly more expensive than polyester-cotton blends due to the spandex content.

The key characteristics of spandex polyester blends include high stretchability and flexibility, making them ideal for athletic and performance wear. This blend is perfect for applications that require a tight, body-conforming fit and supports various print types.

Pros of Spandex Polyester Blends

  • Stretchability and Flexibility: Allows for greater range of movement, making it ideal for athletic activities.
  • Enhanced Fit and Movement: Offers a snug fit that adapts to body movements.
  • Versatile Printing Options: Supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and durable designs.

Cons of Spandex Polyester Blends

  • Higher Cost: More expensive due to the spandex content.
  • Heat Retention: Can retain more heat, making it less ideal for very hot climates.

Common Usages

  • Athletic wear such as leggings, running shorts, and tank tops.
  • Performance gear for activities like yoga, dance, and gymnastics.
  • Compression clothing used in high-intensity sports and training.

Sphere Sport Spandex Polyester Fabrics

man wearing jacket made out of nylon polyester fabric blend

3. Nylon Polyester Blends

Nylon polyester blends usually feature a 50/50 or 60/40 ratio of polyester to nylon. This blend results in a fabric that is smooth, strong, and slightly glossy. These combinations are generally more expensive than cotton-polyester blends due to their enhanced strength and durability.

Key characteristics of nylon polyester blends include high strength and excellent resistance to abrasion and wear, making them suitable for high-impact sports and activities. The blend supports various print types, ensuring durable and vibrant designs.

Pros of Nylon Polyester Blends

  • High Strength and Durability: Extremely durable and resistant to tears and abrasions.
  • Resistance to Abrasion and Wear: Ideal for high-impact sports and activities where the fabric will undergo a lot of stress.
  • Versatile Printing Options: Supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and long-lasting designs.

Cons of Nylon Polyester Blends

  • Less Breathable: Not as breathable as cotton or other blends, which can be a drawback in hot climates.
  • Higher Price: More expensive due to the enhanced durability and strength.

Common Usages

  • High-impact sports uniforms for activities like football, hockey, and rugby.
  • Outdoor gear such as jackets, pants, and backpacks.
  • Heavy-duty sportswear suitable for extreme sports and rugged conditions.

rayon polyester fabric blend

4. Rayon Polyester Blends

Rayon polyester blends often feature a 50/50 composition of polyester and rayon. This blend creates a fabric that is soft, smooth, and has an excellent drape. The price of rayon polyester blends is comparable to the polyester-cotton composition but can vary based on the quality of the rayon used.

Key characteristics of rayon polyester blends include their softness, comfort, and aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for stylish and fashionable team uniforms. The blend supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and eye-catching designs.

Pros of RayonPolyester

  • Softness and Comfort: Extremely soft and comfortable to wear.
  • Excellent Drape and Appearance: Drapes well, giving a stylish and fashionable look.
  • Versatile Printing Options: Supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and durable designs.

Cons of Rayon-Polyester

  • Less Durable: Not as durable as polyester-nylon or polyester-spandex blends.
  • Care Requirements: May require more careful handling and washing to maintain appearance.

Common Usages

  • Stylish team uniforms for sports like tennis, golf, and cheerleading.
  • Fashion-forward sportswear such as tracksuits and warm-up gear.
  • Casual team apparel suitable for moderate climates and indoor sports activities.
wool fabric swatches

5. Wool Polyester Blends

This blend typically feature a 50/50 composition of polyester and wool. This blend results in a fabric that is warm, slightly coarse, but still comfortable. Wool polyester blends are on the higher end of the price spectrum due to the wool content.

Key characteristics include warmth, insulation, and good moisture management properties, making them ideal for colder climates and outdoor team activities. The blend supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and long-lasting designs.

Pros of Polyester-Wool

  • Warmth and Insulation: Excellent for colder climates, providing good insulation.
  • Moisture Management: Wool’s natural properties help manage moisture and keep the wearer dry.
  • Versatile Printing Options: Supports various print types, ensuring vibrant and durable designs.

Cons of Polyester-Wool

  • Higher Cost: More expensive due to the wool content.
  • Care Requirements: Requires careful washing and handling to maintain quality.

Common Usages

  • Outdoor team uniforms for colder climates and sports like skiing, snowboarding, and hiking.
  • Winter sportswear such as jackets, pants, and base layers.
  • Training gear for cold environments, ensuring athletes stay warm and comfortable.


Each of the top five polyester blends for sportswear offers unique benefits tailored to different needs. When choosing a polyester composition for teamwear, consider the specific needs of the team, the sport, the climate, and the desired balance between cost and performance.

Polyester fabrics are increasingly popular for their versatility and ability to meet diverse requirements. Investing in high-quality blends ensures your team enjoys optimal performance, comfort, and durability. Explore the available options to find the best match for your team’s needs and activities.

Manufacture Your Teamwear with Sphere Sport

At Sphere Sport, we offer a wide range of fabrics, including numerous polyester blends, to meet the diverse needs of your teamwear brand. With hundreds of fabric options to choose from, you can find the perfect blend that balances performance, comfort, and durability.

Our in-house design support provides unlimited customization, ensuring your teamwear offerings is unique and tailored to your specifications.

Contact us today to get started on designing and manufacturing your teamwear catalogue.

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